Hours of Instruction
Bell times are:
School starts 8:45 am
Recess 11:00 am – 11:20 am
Lunch 1:20 pm – 2:00 pm
Finish School 3:00 pm
Students who arrive at school on time are more relaxed and feel better prepared for their day. If your child arrives after 8:45am they need to collect a late note from the office before going to class.
Punctuality is also very important at the end of the day. Children do get distressed if parents are late to pick them up, and teachers need this time after school to prepare for the next day’s lessons. If you are delayed please call the school as soon as possible on 9218 1500
Picking students up early
If you need to take your child off school premises during school hours an early release form needs to be filled out at the office before collecting the child from class.
Before and After School
Students are not permitted in the school grounds before 8:15 am, as adequate supervision is not available. Parents of Kindergarten and Pre-primary children need to stay with their child until the bell rings at 8.45 am.
“Morley Out of School Care” is our on-site before and after school care provider. Please contact them for further information here.
Every day is important to your child’s education. Unfortunately children do get ill or have appointments that they must attend. If your child is absent due to illness or family circumstances please contact the school on 9218 1500. Medical certificates may be required for prolonged absences.
Submit an Online Absence notification.
Leaving school grounds
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds for any reason.