Morley Primary School incorporates computer use and internet access via the school network into classroom teaching and learning programs. Our goal is to enhance student learning by accessing information, engaging in activities, resource sharing and communication. ICT is supported across the school through the use of desk tops, lap tops, iPads and interactive technology.
All classrooms are equipped with Interactive whiteboards (IWB), desktop computers and a printer.
All classrooms have access to the internet. The IWB’s use Easiteach software.
The students are taught computing skills in their classrooms.
Classrooms also have access to a bank of laptops and iPads.
The school uses the company TFX as their Panel Integrators.
Literacy is a priority at Morley Primary. The school utilises the Soundwaves online learning program to help students consolidate skills and knowledge across the K-6 curriculum. The program is fun, supportive and effective for students of all ages and abilities. Students are provided access to this program at school and at home.